the tool to manage the information of plants, infrastructures, inspections in the office through a Web interface.

  • does the pre- and post-editing.
  • manages data synchronization (import / export of data on site)
  • automatically associates photos with the corresponding detection
  • generates the report (protocol).
  • compatible with the following browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari).
  • is a server-client application (server: web, application and database)
  • supports several languages ​​(Italian, English and German)

Activities in the office after an inspection

  • after inspection during the import phase, the data and photos are synchronized and uploaded to the server (automatic assignment of photos to the corresponding detection)
  • post processing of the data to complete the surveys
  • finishing of descriptions and properties
  • change the sequence of photos
  • adding more photos
  • addition of summary text, suggestions and judgments
  • addition of the final report

Management of inspection participants

List of anomalies detected

Finishing a survey

Manual association of additional photos